…I have the chance to catch up with all of you!
I have tons of things to tell you about. I am happy to let you know that I am
Remember that post where I told you everything about my 32nd birthday?
It’s been almost two months. A lot has happened since then.
Some great moments: I enjoyed the enriching and
I am!
I love to plan. Although sometimes life doesn’t go according to plan, I like to at least try. I am planning for a productive and fulfilling rest of 2014.
By Susie Dantzig
As a child, 30 was old. Even when I got to college, I thought my 22-year-old RA was old, so 30 was ancient. A 30 year
The first half of the year is getting close to its end. As we start preparing for a summer filled with fun and activities, I would like to look back
By Carolina Santurian
The thirties, the 3rd floor, “la flor de la edad”, whatever you may call it, I am sure it represents more than a number to
By Johanna Salazar
When I was turning twenty-nine I felt sad and confused, it was the end of my twenties, meaning the end of my youth!
Oh boy, I
Written to and by:
Veronica Barrios-Garcia
Dear Self,
You think you are pretty awesome, right? Of course you are, you are twenty-eight years old. You look amazing. You
Would you like to take a look on my agenda? Or the recent notes on my pad?
You wouldn’t need to read between the lines to realize that these days