Fertilidad Física:
En el tiempo de Dios, nuestros cuerpos dan frutos sanos, gracias a su misericordia y para nuestra bendición.
Abonamos y nos cuidamos.
Fertilidad Creativa:
Ideas manan de nuestras cabezas y de nuestros corazones. Las
…I have the chance to catch up with all of you!
I have tons of things to tell you about. I am happy to let you know that I am
By Susie Dantzig
As a child, 30 was old. Even when I got to college, I thought my 22-year-old RA was old, so 30 was ancient. A 30 year
Would you like to take a look on my agenda? Or the recent notes on my pad?
You wouldn’t need to read between the lines to realize that these days
One of the things that I enjoy the most in life is to be surrounded by creative people. I like them even more when they are
Dear 2013,
First full year in my 30s!
Today I thank you for:
-Giving us the opportunity to welcome you during a beautiful vacation with our family in Palermo:
By Gode Segura Amarante
To be part of a culture in which most of the women think that being complete means to be married and have kids is a
By Nena Ubani aka Duchess
I spent my teenage years and my 20s trying so hard to fit in. Energy I feel should have been spent more productively. Now
By Deneia Yanique
Turning 30 for me has meant change.
Arrogance to humility
From living in black and white to gray areas of living
From hiding from myself to facing