By Carolina Santurian
The thirties, the 3rd floor, “la flor de la edad”, whatever you may call it, I am sure it represents more than a number to
By Johanna Salazar
When I was turning twenty-nine I felt sad and confused, it was the end of my twenties, meaning the end of my youth!
Oh boy, I
By Yarimar Uribe Ariza
I have recently been blessed with reaching thirty years of my life, and everything is supposed to be different, to feel different, or so people say,
Written to and by:
Veronica Barrios-Garcia
Dear Self,
You think you are pretty awesome, right? Of course you are, you are twenty-eight years old. You look amazing. You
By Manuela Frencia
When I was twenty I used to say that life would go downhill after twenty-five (how pretentious of me!), I look back at my past decade
Would you like to take a look on my agenda? Or the recent notes on my pad?
You wouldn’t need to read between the lines to realize that these days
One of the things that I enjoy the most in life is to be surrounded by creative people. I like them even more when they are
Today is a great day. It feels like New Year’s Day even though it’s already the second week of February. I’ll tell you why.
Blogging more is one of my 2014 resolutions.
Dear 2013,
First full year in my 30s!
Today I thank you for:
-Giving us the opportunity to welcome you during a beautiful vacation with our family in Palermo: