“Stop creating problems you don’t have”

A wise gal pal of mine once said to me “Joline, stop creating problems you don’t have”. It went down like this:
Tanya: Did you get eyelash extensions?
Joline: Yes, and I hate them.
Tanya: Why?
Joline: Because they are uncomfortable and when they fall out, they take one of my real eyelashes with them.
Tanya: Joline, stop creating problems you don’t have.
Tanya is right. My eyelashes are fine just the way they are. Why did I do it? Because I didn’t want wear make-up on vacation but still wanted my eyelashes to look long and luscious. So at least it was a somewhat logical decision. Right.
Eyelash extensions, really? If you would have told 10-year old me that one day, women would be gluing eyelashes to their eyelashes, I would have laughed, laughed, laughed. 10-year old me would’ve said “uh-huh, next you’ll be telling me that in the future people will drink water out of bottles that they purchase, at a grocery store.” Exactly.
Anyhoo, back to lashes. Women are bombarded with these types of “problems” at every corner. You’re too fat, you’re too skinny, your hair isn’t shiny enough, your teeth aren’t white enough, your lips are too thin, you NEED shellac, your shoes are so last season, she’s a 5, she’s a 10, she looks good, for her age.
So this is a tough one for us, to stop creating problems we don’t have. We are told 3,000 times a day that we have 3,000 problems.
I have taken this wise piece of advice from my wise gal pal and have since applied it to many more aspects of my life.
Now that I am in my 30s, I don’t create problems I don’t have. There are enough real problems in the world and they deserve more attention than all these superficial problems directed at women who are beautiful just the way they are.
Now that I am in my 30s, I am happy with me, just the way I am. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no granola sister. I will continue to have fun with beauty and fashion but on my own terms. I have put aside feelings of competition with other women and instead celebrate their beauty and accomplishments. And no more eyelash extensions, ever again.
About Joline:
Born and raised in Canada. Toronto based Account Director in advertising & marketing. Social butterfly. Loves animals and trees. Her initials spell JAM.