Breaking News: Book Cover Reveal Tomorrow!

How have you been?
How is your summer going?
For those of you who have kids, I bet you are getting them ready to go back to school! I wish you a great school year ahead!
Somewhere in the world, it’s my birthday already (Kiribati, here I go!)
As a thank you for your heartfelt support I would love to celebrate sharing with you the book cover of our upcoming book In Our Thirties coming out this Fall 2019! As I say when I coach vision-to-action board workshops, it’s time to put a picture on it. It’s time for a cover reveal!

Please check your emails and our social media profiles on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter tomorrow so you can be the first ones to see it and let me know your thoughts!
See you tomorrow!
Have a great day!
Your fan,
P.S.: Please remember to follow us here on WordPress and all social networks and invite your family and friends to join you so you can get invited to our book launch, receive giveaway alerts, and get inspiration and expert advice on what matters most in your thirties and beyond!
Photo by Leah Kelley