Am I Doing My Best? Or, at least, Am I Doing My Part?

Now that I am in my thirties, I consider one of my personal quests to be slow to judge fellow human beings and their actions. As a result, I frequently abstain myself from giving an opinion, picking a side, incriminating, complaining and/or even celebrating some events, current topics or holidays.
These days, every time a situation or crisis arise and becomes a trending topic in media and offline conversations, I fight the temptation to express my first thoughts. I do my best to inform myself first about the background of the story, wait until the individual or group in question claims responsibility and then, inspired by Pope Francis’ answer to a delicate question, ask myself:
Who Am I To Judge?
Am I doing my best?
…Or, at least, Am I doing my part to make it better?
…As a daughter?
…As a sister?
…As a friend?
…As a Dominican?
…As a raised Catholic?
…As a woman?
…As a professional?
…As a colleague?
…As an aunt? As a niece? As a granddaughter? As a cousin?
…As an immigrant? As a Hispanic immigrant?
…As a wife?
…As a daughter in law?
…As an expat?
…As a blogger?
…As a stranger?
…As a spiritual person?
…As a privileged human being?
…As a citizen of this world?
Only when I am in peace with my own answers to those questions, I will allow myself to talk.
And the first thing I would like to say is:
How can I help?
Yours In Love & Service,
Image Credit: Jen B. Peters.
Thanks Jen for creating and authorizing the use of this beautiful image!