Gratitude Lessons from the Coronavirus Quarantine

Amidst all the preparations for a self-imposed quarantine in Miami, I can’t help feeling grateful.
Grateful for all the friends that have reached out to ask about our family in Italy. (They are “OK”, lockdown at home, sad but hopeful, as my nephew Manuel says on his drawing: Andrá tutto bene. #IoRestoACasa. Everything will be fine. #IStayHome.)
Grateful for the flexibility that we have as parents who work from home.
Grateful for having access to power, water, a safe home in a developed country, the funds to go to grocery stores, and technology to stay informed.
Grateful for social networks who keep us in touch with family, friends and the supportive online communities we have created over the years.
Grateful for the opportunity to connect with my toddler through homeschooling.
Grateful for the confirmation that I should be creating more content online, times like this prove its meaningful impact.
Grateful for the reminder of the importance of a rainy day fund.
Grateful for the opportunity to be mindful, appreciate the infinite value of human connection, embrace uncertainty, and realize what matters most.
Stay safe and please “keep in touch”.
Big virtual hug,