How Do You Want To Feel in 2021?

Happy, healthy, and prosperous new year to you!
Hope you had a safe and restorative holiday season.
Mine was great. It took me a while to start feeling the Christmas spirit, but as always the magic of it ended up taking over, and I am beyond grateful for the chance to celebrate with my family and seeing beloved friends even from a distance and only for a couple minutes! They make everything worth it.
As I started planning for the 2021 Vision Board season, I started feeling something different in me and in my friends. One of them, Eva Hart said it best:
“2020 forced us to take a break, to observe everything we do, and what we are. It has been a year of many canceled plans, closed projects, and estrangement from loved ones.
For many, productivity is the last word that comes to mind when it comes to visualizing 2021. Visualizing specific goals may seem forced to some people. A visualization of how I want to feel, and where I want to vibrate in 2021 is what I would like to manifest. And pass everything that will be presented to me through that filter. See if it is aligned with those values and visions of where I want to be in my life at the level of spirit in order to be able to make the most convenient decisions using intuition.”
I loved it.
I shared it with my friend Cris, and she added:
“When you reflect about what would make you feel the way you want, those feelings will take you to more tangible goals, adding or deleting to your list.”
They nailed it.
Sometimes the only thing that is clear to you, is how you want to feel: In peace, youthful, less anxious, loved, supported, valued, helpful, smart, celebrated, and the list goes on.
This is why this year I am offering a whole new virtual Vision Board group coaching experience starting tomorrow. I will coach you step-by-step, while we envision how we want to feel, and find out what would make us feel that way.
How Do You Want To Feel in 2021?
Sign up, gather your board, scissors, glue stick, magazines, and personal photos and prints and join me tomorrow at 11am via Zoom. Ask your friends to join you!
Can’t wait to visualize your feelings, envision your goals, and support you while you take action!
See you there!
Your partner in growth,
P.S.: Do you know anybody else that could benefit from this virtual Vision Board workshop? Please share this post with them! Thank you!
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