Happy. Grateful. No Regrets!

By Johanna Salazar
When I was turning twenty-nine I felt sad and confused, it was the end of my twenties, meaning the end of my youth!
Oh boy, I was so wrong. It was really interesting seeing how I went from feeling as if my youth was over, to the moment when I turned thirty, only twelve months later; I went back to feeling younger than ever. I can’t tell you what happened or how it happened, it just happened.
Today, I find that my priorities are different. My family is and has always been very important to me, but I feel like they are more valuable to me now more than ever before. My relationship with my mother is something I work on and cherish every day. I am so grateful for everyone in my life and for the opportunities that come my way. At thirty, I started seeing life in a different way, I felt young and fearless. Although I always had this feeling, it became more powerful after thirty. I would say that the thing that matters most to me now, is being happy and living with no regrets. Knowing that I pursued all my goals and dreams and I lived my best life is probably the most important thing to me right now. I’m also becoming more aware of the girl that I was and the woman that I am and the woman I want to be. Thoughts of starting my own family started circling in my head as well; this is something strange to me, given that I have made my career my priority for so long. I live in Gratitude every single day of my life.
Relationships are also different for me today at the age of thirty-three. When I was in my twenties, I was not so aware of the relationships I was building. Now, I feel very blessed with the decisions I made and the relationships I have built over the years. I see how building good and long-lasting relationships has made my personal and business life so much better.
At the young age of thirty-three, I feel happy, grateful, fulfilled, passionate, and powerful. Every day I live my purpose. I have allowed myself to recognize that my passion for the cause is bigger than my ego. My core values drive my passion towards achieving my vision. I am a fearless, determined, perseverant woman. Every year I feel younger and stronger. If this is what it feels like at thirty-three, I can’t wait to be forty-three.
About Johanna:
Content /Media/Digital Strategist, Professional Changemaker, Future Author & Enjoys laughing at her own jokes!
Follow her on Twitter: @_JohannaSalazar