“In Our Thirties” Is Now OUT

The day has arrived. While I type this, my heart is racing, my eyes are begging for a break, and I am the only one awake at home.
After years of long days and sleepless nights, In Our Thirties is here. The book we needed to read. The book we needed to write. A book for our generation and the ones who come after us.
This book is perfectly imperfect. Honest, transparent, real. Like me. Like you. Like all of us.
I hope what you find here inspires you. I hope the stories comfort you and make you laugh. I hope you find strategies and ideas that can help you make the most of this challenging and transformative decade. I am not trying to persuade you in any way- I am simply telling my story, and I hope it inspires you to tell yours.
This is the book I wrote along with thirty+ friends to start a new conversation. Please join us.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Love you,

Book Trailer Credits:
Script and VO: Laura Sgroi
Direction: Eva Hart
Production Coordination: Wendy Espinal
Footage Research: Daniela Guada
Produced by Dupla.Miami
Marketing Assistant: Karla Molina