In Our Thirties: Updates & Table of Contents

Hi friends,
How have you been?
Hope you are well. In my case, life keeps throwing curveballs, therefore here I am, doing what always makes me feel better: Reflecting and moving forward.
It’s been a while since the last book update. At the moment, we are in the final design/formatting phase. Before we are ready to launch, we will have at least three rounds of revisions, as recommended by our editor and project manager Amy Schleunes. With the holidays approaching, that means that most likely we will be launching Spring 2020.
The good news: You don’t need to wait to know what is in the book, as I am excited to share with you the full Table of Contents today:
I. All the Way to Thirty
II. What Matters Most
“I wasn’t seeing how I looked—I was seeing how I felt.”
Autumn Whitefield-Madrano on Beauty
“Safety is not only possible, but it should be every thirty-something woman’s bottom line.”
Jill Di Donato on Relationships
“Everyone should experiment and learn, especially people in committed relationships.”
Dr. Sonjia on Sexual Health
“Fitness is a lifestyle, not just a look.”
Angelique Mills on Exercise and Longevity
“Develop your ability to observe what’s happening in the moment.”
Warren Ogden on Spiritual Practice
“You might have to re-evaluate your dreams.”
Cindy K. Goodman on Work-Life Balance
“You need to know what you want and say no to everything else.”
Sandra Acosta on Personal Finance
“We attract what we are or what we need to grow.”
Dashama on Positivity and Sustainability
III. Back to Basics
IV. In Our Thirties: A Collection of Stories From Around the World
Reading Group Guide
As you can see, In Our Thirties is a hybrid book, including:
An uplifting memoir about experiences so far, how priorities have changed, and how I am devoting this decade devoting it to what matters most now.
Guest Pieces written by Expert Contributors
Compilation of more than 50 essays by friends from all around the world about being 30+.
I would love to share a Sample Chapter soon.
What section would you like to read?
Tell me in the comments and I will post it. It’s your call!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Always grateful for your support,