International Life Day

Since I was a little girl, I have always been a fan of calendars and all the special days marked on them. I love birthdays and anniversaries and I observe most holidays with respect.
I say “most” because for some reason that I attribute to how aging is benefiting my judgment, now I don’t feel the automatic urge to stand up and celebrate all holidays without at least reviewing their history and asking myself what I think about that topic in the present day.
March 8th is International Women’s Day. I will be forever grateful for the courage and sacrifices that women leaders have made to guarantee that I could have the choice to study, vote, and work among other fair rights. I know these are privileges that most women did not have until not long ago and that millions of not only women, but also men don’t have yet today due to social, political and economical reasons.
I thank those that demanded better conditions for my gender and it is inspiring to celebrate their achievements. However, I can’t forget that some women have been discriminated and oppressed, at some point those same women, even myself included, might have been oppressors and might have also discriminated against someone else for being less educated, poorer, darker, younger, foreign or another irrelevant fact such as being shorter or slower.
In this current world of quotas, consumerism and TV specials we celebrate at least three New Year’s days, human rights, historic moments of victories and losses, the birth and death of heroes, martyrs, saints or simply loved ones. Ironically enough, this year we even have Tax Day in the middle of Holy Week. The Earth has its own day, what about all its inhabitants?
It looks to me like we have plenty of days marked to celebrate our differences but none to celebrate what unites all of us without exception: LIFE. Being alive here and now along with all the other existing creatures.
I am not a Star Wars fan either; but, Life Day as a holiday was not a bad idea at all. Let’s celebrate life today and every single day remembering Socrates when he said: “It is not living that matters, but living rightly”.
What do you think?
Do you celebrate International Women’s Day?
What holidays do you celebrate?
Do you have mixed feelings about any holidays in particular?
I would love to read your comments!
Cheers from your Life Enthusiast*,
*Borrowed from the most authentic Life Enthusiast, my friend Matt Hehn.