Lessons from a Painful Week

Last week was extremely hard. Painful. Still hurts and will hurt forever. While I am still grieving and will be for a while, I commit to keep informing and educating myself, learning, unlearning, accepting, digesting history and current information. I am grateful for this awakening and grateful for my family and friends who shed light in this process. I won’t let the pain and doubt paralyze me as it has happened before. I have received the reminders that there is no point in having a voice if I don’t use it for the causes that need it. In spite of my particularly fortunate experience, I will speak more and louder on #visibility and #representation. I owe this to myself, to my son, my family, the people of my country and to the world. #Kindness and #compassion always above all.
📸 by @evahartstudio
Production and valuable anti-racism insight by @gaia08