“Let’s say that God prepares women for 30 years before they can really live their lives at its fullness!

By Sabrina Sinclair
When I was about 20 years old, I once heard that a woman’s best age were her 30s and I immediately thought, “That can’t be, by the time they are 30 most women have already too many responsibilities to enjoy things not to mention that you are already getting OLD”. Being in my early twenties and making all sorts of “BIG” decisions, I thought I was (finally) a mature adult enjoying life.
Those younger years where full of lots of good things that contributed to the person that I am today. I made a lot of meaningful relationships, which included my best friends, including my sisters. Notwithstanding the distance that separates me from most of them, it still feels like we have never been apart. My husband, the love of my life, my other half, my teammate and my soul mate, my partner in life and the father of my son; God’s very own creation, a perfect blend of my eyes and his body, my sense of humor and his kindness, the cause of us wanting to become a better person every day and the only person that could make understand and love my own mother even more. But the most important relationship that I built during those years was my relationship with Jesus, getting to know Him instead of just knowing about Him leaded me to see life with open eyes, with a new purpose that will never end, that goes beyond this world.
I believe that there’s definitively a time for everything in life, and now at 29 years old I can clearly see that my 30s will be that point in life when I’m young enough to experience new things but experience them with matureness and the right perspective. I will still look my best but with a newfound sense of gratefulness. I will know exactly what to look for from people and know what I have to offer them. It will be the time when my husband and I will write our family’s story and help mold our son’s character.
I am definitively very excited to see those years come. Turning 30 does feel like it’s been a lot, but it also feels like the best is still to come. I consider myself blessed to have all the most meaningful people in my life around me and be able to enjoy them. I await the coming years with great anticipation and hopefulness; trusting that God is preparing unfathomable blessings.