“My goal right now: to be a better person everyday that goes by.”

Ivy Rueda
“When I was preparing myself (mostly mentally) to turn 30, a friend of mine told that her thirties had been the best time of her life…I am still waiting for that (ha!). In all honesty, so far it has been a roller coaster ride, with many ups and downs, primarily as I work on becoming comfortable in my own skin (at all levels–mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually) and dealing with societal expectations of how my life should be or what I should be at this point(settled down in my own place, married with kids, having a job I am content with and knowing what I want to do with my life). That’s a lot and I don’t fit into any of the prescribed categories (haha).
So far I think the biggest lesson learned for me is picking my battles and understanding that I don’t have to tackle or be responsible for everything and everyone. I have become a ball of worry and I hate it–I know deep inside I am a free spirit and I am struggling to find myself again, especially after going through my anxiety meltdown two years ago. That particular episode really took a toll on me (more than I imagined) and while I know I have progressed a lot since then, I am still fighting it (even when I don’t show). It is a process, one I am hoping will become easier with time because living like this is exhausting, to say the least.
I don’t want to end this on a sad note, so I will say this to you my friend: don’t be afraid of the thirties. Every age brings its good and bad and all we can do is embrace them and learn from it and become a better person as a result. That’s my goal right now: to be a better person everyday that goes by.”