Best Week Ever to Be 30+!

How are you?
I am doing great!
I can’t barely write this email! My hands are shaking with excitement!
This week was our Best Week Ever! We exceeded our own expectations!
Check out our updates:
-We were deeply impressed with the prompt and positive response from Expert Contributors and we confirmed amazing Guest Pieces on “Work/Life Balance” and “Relationships & Sexuality in our 30s”!
-Seduced a gentleman and he gave us “The Male Perspective” about being 30+!
-Finished writing a helpful Reading Group Guide that will be a Bonus included in the book “Now that I Am in My 30s”!
-This week our blog received first-time visits from countries such as Poland, China, El Salvador, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Venezuela!
-I got my parents officially involved in the process of giving birth to their first “braingrandchild” and they are now helping me with final touches to the book!
-Carolina Santurian’s story “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die tomorrow” touched and inspired hundreds of readers around the world!
As we keep receiving amazing essays and requests from readers interested in sharing their experiences being 30+, I will extend the deadline to receive drafts for the book until next Friday June 21st! Please take this weekend to finish yours and send it to me early next week! If you send it after June 21st, I won’t be able to include it on the book, only on the blog!
I would love to hear stories from all continents, please share this message with all your friends in all your networks around the world!
Thanks again for all your support!
Enjoy your weekend!
With much love,