Would you share your experiences being 30+? Please join us before July 11th!

Hello world!
Thanks so much for visiting our blog.
As some of you know, I turned 30 last August 2012, and since the beginning of last year I was so excited and looking forward to it that I started writing a “document” about it that later became a book with the help and enthusiastic support of my friends.
This book is about what matters most for us now, how do you feel, what changes have you noticed. This is an opportunity to express feelings, experiences, thoughts, jokes, complaints and how we plan to embrace the rest of our years. We all get to vent while we contribute voluntarily to this project.
I would love to know if you would like to contribute to a project like this. You don’t need to write a chapter, it could be a paragraph, an essay or even a sentence, maybe an idea for a new topic.
To know more about this, you can also visit: https://www.facebook.com/laurasgrois
To read some contributions that we have already received: http://laurasgroi.com/category/contributors/
When you confirm your interest I will send you the basic terms and conditions and when I receive your response confirming that you accept those terms, I’ll send you the topics that they could write about or you can just get creative and start writing everything that goes through your head when you think about BEING 30+!
Thanks again for your support!
Looking forward to “reading” you soon!