2014 Won’t Be Over Until…

…I have the chance to catch up with all of you!
I have tons of things to tell you about. I am happy to let you know that I am back, charged with positivism, fresh ideas and newfound energy to share with you.
My last post was a bit melancholic and bittersweet. Thankfully, some time has passed since then.
That is why, without planning, I just had two great months, with the only downside of being away from you and the blogosphere. Thinking about you all day, but being respectful of the time and attention that my clients were paying for.
Business and family affairs took me to some of my favorite places on Earth. Ordinary but productive errands consumed the time in-between.
Or to those who pray I like to add. Love and magic reveal when we close our eyes, open our heart, express our wishes and take the time to observe humbly.
While we wait, there is still time to take a look at our goals for 2014 and give them a last try. We have fifteen more days to go, before we move them to the 2015 list. Never forget them, just reschedule.
Before we kiss 2014 goodbye, I am taking a moment to look back and think how I would like to remember 2014.
8 facts that I will never forget about this year:
- Marked the end of an era in my career.
- Kicked me out of my comfort zone.
- Inspired me to reconnect with my most genuine talents and ambitions.
- Reminded me the fragility of happiness.
- Taught me that if I want something to happen, I must be willing to do it myself.
- Challenged the resilience of my heart.
- Showed me how much I can give.
- Kept giving me reasons to be forever grateful.
That was my 2014.
How was yours?
What did you experience this year? What touched you? What did you learn?
How would you like to remember 2014?
Hope you had a meaningful one!
Here’s to us!
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