“A Recap of My 30s”

By Tuti Loor
The fact that I get to write about my 30s as a “looking back at…” more than “Now that I am…” seems funny to me. I really don’t feel this old.
I’m 38 as I write this, but I can honestly tell you, except for the few times when I wake up with a new ache, most of the time I feel as if I’m still 23. I dress in jeans and t-shirts, I wear sneakers. I don’t have kids and I still don’t do well with responsibility and commitment.
I can also tell you (from experience) that being in your 30s is equally good or better than being in your 20s. By now I know who I am and I know what I want (maybe I don’t have everything figured out, but I know that much) I have less friends, but better ones. And my favorite part… I really don’t care what people think of me anymore (and I used to).
Being a TV producer, instead of a list, I’m going to share a “recap” of the last 8 years. In order, from the time I turned 30 ’till today.
I had my first time long term relationship (9 years and counting)
I was “let go” from my job for the first time.
I sold everything I had, got a backpack and travelled through England, Egypt, Jordan, India, Nepal, Thailand and Cambodia.
I let my hair grow back again (I shaved my head for 2 years before that)
I spent 2 lazy weeks in the Galapagos Islands.
I lived in the Keys for 2 years.
I wore my gray hair proudly.
I got my first boat.
I sold my boat.
I also sold my car and my motorcycle because…
I got and RV and drove all the way to Alaska.
I lived in Alaska for 4 months.
Then I drove the RV back to the Keys.
I went to Sundance for the first time.
I bought a house with a yard.
I got my first tattoo.
So if you are one of those people who think somehow your youth ends at 30… well, I have to stop writing now. I have to go get ready for my cruise around the Mediterranean. Peace!
NOTE: Remember that we are interested in reading about your experiences being 30+!
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