I Don’t Need New Year’s Resolutions. This Is Why.

This post is an adapted excerpt from our upcoming book, ‘Now That I Am in My Thirties’. I would appreciate your constructive feedback. Stay tuned for the launch!
Years ago, I found myself writing my New Year’s Resolutions. I was twenty-seven, newlywed, trying to position a boutique communications agency. I felt it was the perfect time to put in order all the areas in my life. I wrote a long and explicit list. After reading it over and over for a full year, I realized I was not only planning for a year, I was planning for a decade therefore I didn’t write any resolutions for the following year, and decided to stick to my decade-long plan.
2012 was different, because I was turning thirty. Revising my previous resolutions with the intention of updating them, not to balance them out, I understood I had not only planned for one or two years or a decade, I had planned for a lifetime.
I did have a lot of goals, but surprisingly, they were not exceptionally ambitious, and they didn’t have a deadline. It was not a checklist or a bucket list. Fortunately, most of them were life changing, but within reach: Maintenance for my soul as they were all toward a simpler, better and happier life as a grown up woman.
Therefore, for my thirtieth birthday, the only amendment done was consolidating all my goals, into one: Endeavor myself fully and devote my life to what matters most to me now.
I knew I was not the only one looking at life differently during this time. Friends from all around the world were invited to share their own experiences getting closer to thirty and being 30+/up to thirty-nine. This blog was set up. Research had to be done. Expert Contributors were approached. I never imagined such positive and massive response. Yet a book was not on anybody’s list; it emerged as part of this inspiring collective breakthrough.
This is not a travel blog, but it is a real life road trip “story”. We write nonfiction, even though some of the topics and changes we experience in our thirties sounded like fiction for us not long ago. It’s not biographical even though many true-life stories are told here, including mine and yours. Now that I am a thirtysomething year old, my goal is for us to use this blog and upcoming book as a reference to understand and embrace better what we are going through. I hope you find it somehow informational but I am not trying to persuade you in any way…it’s not a procedure manual…it’s just a pure narrative: Personal experiences running our life all the way to our thirties and beyond!
2016 is in our hands now.
Let’s make it the year that we BECOME our BEST selves.
I am in.
Hope you are too.
Who loves you tons?
P. S.: What about you? What are your New Year’s Resolutions? We’d love to know and support you all the way!