Who Else is Looking Forward to The 2nd Half of 2014?

I am!
I love to plan. Although sometimes life doesn’t go according to plan, I like to at least try. I am planning for a productive and fulfilling rest of 2014.
As I mentioned on “2014: Midyear Recap” this has been a good year overall, but I want to get the max out of the rest of it!
This is a preview of what is coming in the second half of the year:
-The FIFA World Cup finals. Who is your favorite?
-Writing and blogging. Blogging and writing.
-No traveling.
-Phase 2 of P90X…Bring It!
-Being productive while spending some time home alone, cheering from the distance for my husband who will be attending his most important career event of the year!
-My birthday month…I am turning 32!
-Our 5th wedding anniversary

-Still crossing my fingers to make it to my lovely friends’ weddings in the Dominican Republic!
-Phase 3 of P90X.
-Volunteering at TEDxManagua

-Also crossing my fingers for that other project!
-Attending Oprah’s The Life You Want Tour!
-Attending my cousin’s wedding in Santo Domingo
Please note that both of these events are on the same date in two different countries! Not sure which one might need to be postponed!
-My mom’s birthday month, but I have no plans yet…any ideas?
-Spending Christmas with the in-laws…Italy bound!

As you can see, I am looking forward to fun, inspiring and creative months ahead!
What are your plans? I’d love to know!
I wish you health, happiness and many blessings always!
Let’s keep in touch and see how this year unfolds!
With love,
P.S. Encourage your friends and family to plan ahead for a great rest of the year by sharing this post and invite others to subscribe to our blog! Just send them to www.laurasgroi.com, where they can enter their email address on the home page.
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