“To the Girl I once Was”

I spent my teenage years and my 20s trying so hard to fit in. Energy I feel should have been spent more productively. Now in my early 30s, I feel most comfortable with myself and sometimes wonder if I was given a chance to communicate to the girl I once was, what would I tell her?
To the girl I once was
If I had a chance to meet you,
I would tell you to ‘chill’
Life is not a competition
Do not put too much pressure on yourself
Aspire to be happy and do the things you love
It’s impossible to please people all the time
Beauty is truly from within, so it’s ok to go out without make-up sometimes
Designer bags and shoes are not investments
Keeping up with trends does not define you
True friends would love you just as you are
Fulfillment comes from living the life you want
Living a life of laughs, love and spirituality.
About Nena:
Born and raised in Nigeria and now based in the UK, Nena Ubani aka Duchess is a multitalented presenter who has had the opportunity to interview so many leading African and international names for Voice of Africa Radio and Guess radio, and she is also a columnist for Africa world newspaper Ireland. Later founded Duchess TV and the Igbokwenu radio with the aim of providing a platform for promoting talent and positivity in her community. She has also worked in conjunction with the Metropolitan Police London as a youth mentor, engaging young people as a way to combat crime. Nena continues to do her work in dignity representing the new face of the African woman wherever she goes.